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1. New Testament
SGHNT 1886-1999
Salkinson-Ginsburg Hebrew New Testament (Consonants)

2. New Testament
SGHNT 1886-1999
Salkinson-Ginsburg Hebrew New Testament with Vowels
Salkinson-Ginsburg edition of 1886, revised 1999 to conform to the Textus Receptus Greek NT.

3. New Testament
SGNT 2018
Salkinson-Ginsburg Hebrew New Testament 1886, 2018 (with vowels)
Isaac Edward Salkinson


Middlesex, England, edition of 1886, revised 1999. The Hebrew New Testament is a translation of the Textus Receptus Greek text. Isaac E. Salkinson, HaB'rit HaChadashah. British Missionary Society, 1886. Online. Produced by the Society For Distributing Hebrew Scriptures, Middlesex, England. The latest edition has been revised in some places to bring it closer to the Textus Receptus and is the 2012/2013 edition with a few minor spelling mistakes corrected in 2018.

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